Grand Beatbox Battle 2021 – World League : feedbacks and results
The LYREBIRD team was at the Grand Beatbox Battle 2021 (GBB for short) at Warsaw in 🇵🇱 Poland for the 12th edition of the biggest international beatbox battle which took place from October 22nd to 25th, 2021. Here is the summary of the results and the strongest moments we had the chance to live.
An edition awaited more than ever
This collector’s edition, after having been postponed several times, finally took place with 2 new categories: “Tag Team Loop” (duo of loopers) and “Crew” (team of 3 members minimum) to the delight of the community.
Beatboxers and fans from all over the world gathered at Park Expo XXI during the competition, to share an unforgettable moment between enthusiasts : more than 80 participants, 3,000 spectators on site and 30,000 live on the YouTube livestream of Swissbeatbox !
This year, the organizers have gone all out:
A huge stage lined with gigantic LED screens to allow everyone to enjoy the details of the battles, but also exclusive showcases, such as those of 🇬🇧 ReepsOne, 🇫🇷 UniTeam, 🇫🇷 Saro or even 🇺🇸 Spiderhorse the whole highlighted by our favorite host 🇨🇦 Scott Jackson!
Best of all, this year those watching the competition on the stream had the pleasure of seeing 🇬🇧 Hobbit and 🇪🇸 Freddy Beat commenting on the battles live.
Aside from a few sound problems, we can say that this edition was a great success, and it was a pleasure to be back with the family after 2 years of absence!
Our best memories
It’s hard to sum up all the emotions we experienced during these few days, but we have listed some of our favorite moments for you 🙂
🇧🇪 FootboxG who beats 🇫🇷 Alexinho the reigning world champion for an anthology 1⁄8 final. An intense moment that we experienced live to the misfortune of the French but the pride of LYREBIRD 😀
🇫🇷 River’ vs 🇫🇷 Colaps for a 100% French final (with 🇨🇴 Colombian origins) where the duo 🇫🇷 🇨🇴 Rogue Wave went punch-for-punch using spit snares as scathing as stab wounds …
In 12 years of competition the solo category’s champion title was the only one missing for France. Problem solved hands down by managing to have 2 French finalists 😃
The 🇦🇹 austrians from M.O.M who finished their qualification in underwear… Unprecedented on the GBB stage in 12 years of events.
🇫🇷 Rythmind and 🇫🇷 ChrisTheOdian collaborating on a cover of AC / DC’s Back in Black instead of facing each other during their little final … A great souvenir video in store!
The performances of our senseis at GBB 2021
A massive big up to our senseis present on the competition:
🇫🇷 Alem (TOP 8 – Solo Category)
🇫🇷 Alexinho (TOP 16 – Solo category)
🇧🇪 FootboxG (Tag Team champion and TOP 3 in Solo Category)
🇫🇷 Efaybee with his crew SQUID (TOP 3 – Crew category)
🇧🇪 Bigben & 🇫🇷 Kim with their duo SHADOW SUMO (TOP 11 – Tag Team category)
🇫🇷 SARO (Judge)
GBB 2021 battles results
Solo :

Tag Team :

Solo Loopstation :

Palmares of GBB 2021
Solo :
1: Colaps 🇫🇷 🇨🇴
2: River’ 🇫🇷 🇨🇴
3: FootboxG 🇧🇪
Loopstation :
1: Bizkit 🇺🇸
2: Frosty 🇬🇧
3: Rythmind 🇫🇷
Tag Team :
1: Middle School (FootboxG & Supernova) 🇧🇪
2: Rogue Wave (Colaps & River’) 🇫🇷 🇨🇴
3: Rofu (Fuga & Hiro) 🇯🇵
Crew :
1: M.O.M (Eon, Slizzer, Geo Popoff) 🇦🇹
2: SARUKANI (So-So, Rusy, Kaji, Kohey) 🇯🇵
3: SQUID (Orfey, Efaybee, Chris TheOdian, Robin, Brez) 🇫🇷
Tag Team Loopstation :
1: SORRY (So-so & Rusy) 🇯🇵
2: BERY (Beatness & Rythmind) 🇫🇷
3: SCAM TALK (Brez & Chris TheOdian)
The countries that provide the show
We are proud to see that 🇫🇷 France still plays its leading role on the international beatbox scene with no less than 7 titles won out of the 15 possible!
The 🇺🇸 United States are increasingly taking the front stage with 🇺🇸 Bizkit winning the Loopstation category and 🇺🇸 Inertia winning the 7-to-smoke champion title as well as the TOP 4 in the solo category.
Mention spéciale à 🇺🇸 Napom, 🇺🇸 D-Koy et 🇺🇸 Gene qui viennent compléter les 4 premières places des qualifications dans la catégorie Solo !
3ème pays le plus représenté sur la compétition : le 🇯🇵 Japon qui a fait fort dans les catégories collectives notamment, avec 3 titres à la clé.
Omedetō gozaimasu 🇯🇵 So-So san plus déterminé que jamais qui s’est qualifié dans 4 catégories différentes. YABAI !
On en profite pour féliciter la 🇲🇾 Malaisie pour sa première participation à la compétition grâce à 2 beatboxeurs bourrés de talents : 🇲🇾 Stitch et 🇲🇾 Heartzel. À surveiller pour le futur 😉
Beatbox events: the ideal way to progress
We see that the beatbox evolves quickly thanks to the transmission and exchanges during community events such as online or physical battles.
This kind of initiative advances the discipline, gives motivation to continue to improve and experience ever stronger emotions.
This is what we want to promote with LYREBIRD via our community platform where you can share with other enthusiasts and soon participate to international events.
In addition, to help you to structure your beatbox you can get coached by masters of the discipline and increase your chances of participating in LYREBIRD events in order to show what you have learned 🙂
Je réserve mes leçons par visioconférence pour progresser plus rapidement ici.
And you, how did you experience this edition of GBB – World League 2021? We invite you to share your experience in the comments. In any case, we can not wait to go back to a beatbox event!